I look into the void
The far reaches of the soul
I look into her depths and darkness
All that she consumes
She looks back
But not wickedly
Not a friend
Not a foe
She simply is
Peace ensues
Strength abounds
Sometimes when things quiet down
The void and I sit to chat
She is me and I am her
Her wisdom abounds
We laugh
We scream
We cry
We jump it all out
Bugs crawling in and out
Shadows bending to and fro
We step into the Cthonic
We aspire and release
She is me
I am her
The Void and I
Basking in all that we are
Dreadfully Good Weather
Perfectly good weather we are having today
Grey clouds in the sky
Storm brewing about
Clouds slowly inching towards the west
Rain drizzilingly down
Slight hues of blue remain
As the weather cools
Chill entering my bones
Breathing in this crisp, fresh air
I shall bake a fine bread to eat
Pockets of jam
Fluffly and warm
Sweetness melting on my tongue
Feeding the worms in my belly
Singing and dancing
On this perfectly, grey and gloomy day
Birthday Cake
I walked into the forest and met a grizzly bear
He wore a tiara and a princess tutu
For it was his birthday
He asked if I wanted cake and I said yes
We walked through the tall, lucious trees
Down a narrow, winding path
We came to a stop
As we arrived to his cave
Tall and brown
Wide and plump
Grizzly bear with a silver pointy hat
We sang
We cheered
What a lovely birthday party
With a grizzly bear in the woods
Tea with a Mouse
I ran into a mouse
She said excuse me
And I said hello
She whipped up some scones
Tea kettle on the stove
She asked if I’d like some earl grey tea
And I said yes
Scones and Tea
Up in a tree
Enjoying some fine company
With a mouse in a tree